
Taking a break and restarting on April 23rd. 2024

Are you feeling stiff or achy?
Are you recovering from injury or long term illness ?
Do you just need to get more flexible or learn to relax?

Then this class is for you.

You can get all benefits of a Yoga class - increased strength, fitness and flexibility, better breathing and relaxation without having to get down to the floor and back up again!

We'll do some of the class sitting in a chair and some standing and you can do the whole class sitting if you prefer. For the final 15 minutes you can relax in a guided meditation.

So if you'd like to get more mobile, stronger and relaxed, do come and join this friendly and fun class.
Please wear stretchy clothes and plenty of layers as you may get warm whilst moving and cool down during the relaxation..
To book your place or have a chat about the class on Thursdays at the Methodist church hall at the top of Mill Street from 2pm to 3pm
Please email to book your place

Contact Chair Exercise Class for anyone with mobility problems


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